Nuestras ubicaciones

Girls on the Run Champaign County presta servicios en el condado de Champaign.

Fall 2024 Sites:

We are so excited to bring Girls on the Run to the Stephens Family YMCA and these schools this fall:


♥ Bottenfield Elementary School

practices on Monday/Wednesday: 3:30-5:00 p.m. 

first practice: Wednesday, September 11


♥ Dr. Howard Elementary School

practices on Tuesday/Thursday: 2:40-4:00 p.m.

first practice: Tuesday, September 10


♥ Paxton Buckley Loda

practices on Monday/Wednesday: 3:30-5:00 p.m.

first practice: Monday, September 9


♥ South Side Elementary School

practices on Tuesday/Thursday: 3:30-5:00 p.m.

first practice: Tuesday, September 10


♥ Stratton Academy of the Arts

practices on Tuesday/Thursday: 3:30-4:45 p.m.

first practice: Tuesday, September 10


♥ University Primary School

practices on Monday/Wednesday: 3:00-4:30 p.m.

first practice: Wednesday, September 11


♥ Stephens Family YMCA*

practices on Tuesday/Thursday: 4:00-5:30 p.m.

first practice: Tuesday, September 10


*Note: The GOTR team at the Stephens Family YMCA is open to everyone. The GOTR teams at the schools are open only to the students that attend that school.



Nuestros programas

Cada programa de Girls on the Run incluye lecciones divertidas e interactivas para satisfacer las necesidades únicas de las participantes con todo tipo de capacidades y orígenes.


¿No encuentras una ubicación cercana?

¡Trabajemos juntos para llegar a todas las chicas de nuestra comunidad! Crea una ubicación en tu escuela o centro comunitario para inspirar a más chicas a ser alegres, mantenerse saludables y tener confianza en ellas mismas.

Location Map